Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back on the Saddle

I'm still sweaty (and muddy) from my first outdoor ride of the season!

After biking most of my miles on the emptier roads of Colorado and Montana this past year, I had forgotten about dealing with car traffic. Yuck! I was quickly reminded that rush hour is not the wisest time to ride. Lesson 1.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Here We Go!

Oh good readers, I don't even know where to start! After just a few weeks of effort, I am overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of support I have received through notes, words, and donations thus far. My hope for this blog is to provide a way to include you all in the Sea to Sea 2008 Bike Tour.

First off--a quick run down of what this is all about.

It all starts with the Christian Reformed Church.
Well, actually, we can go back the problem of poverty.
A large tragedy.
Too large, but we need to start somewhere.
We'll start by riding our bikes.
Camping along the way.
Some will do this from Seattle to Jersey City, New Jersey.
Some will pedal somewhere in between.
All and all, 211 of us pedaling.
An exponentially greater number of us praying, giving in other ways--any way.
We need all the help we can get!
100% of the money we raise goes toward projects focused on
and business development
through the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee,
the Christian Reformed World Missions,
and Partners Worldwide.

I can't thank you enough for your support!

And I can't wait to get on the road on June 30th!